His egg was first found after Holy Warrior Poer and his familiar Shiro had gone and wiped out the group of more than 200 Blazing Dragons (now known as Balaad Dragons). Shiro first wanted to eat it but decided not to. At one point, the egg started to hatch and instead of a Blazing Dragon hatchling, what came out of it was a Violet Phoenix hatchling. The transformation was thought to be caused by Shiro's familiar archetype change from Wolf-Dog Beast to Violet Phoenix Heavenly Beast. Upon his hatching, he has recognized Poer and Shiro as his father and mother. 5000 years later, he has met up with Lina, Hornel, Maïga the familiar of Hornel, Balaad, Konoha the familiar of Gaston, Fuyu atop Platina, a Star Horse which was rumoured to be faster than the speed of sound, which was her familiar, Barun, Ricky, and the demonised Billie.