Такэси, более известный по прозвищу «Джайан» (яп. ジャイアン), образованном от английского слова “giant” (произносится «джайант») пропуском последней буквы, — большой, сильный и вспыльчивый местный хулиган. Он не умеет петь, что называется, «медведь на ухо наступил», однако считает себя превосходным певцом. Регулярно мучает ужасным пением соседских детей, часто крадёт у них книги и игрушки под предлогом «одалживания» их, если только игрушка не повреждена. Однако, если Нобита с друзьями окажутся в настоящей беде, может немедленно прийти на помощь.
Several of the stories revolve around Nobita and his friends' efforts to avoid Gian's concerts, and several chapters summarize his friends efforts to avoid visiting Gian's house on his birthday because of his selfish nature. After reflecting on one event about his birthday, Gian thought of himself why he wasn't popular among his peers. After getting a lecture from Doraemon to see what an unruly character he is, Gian realize that he should have been a better person and he begs Doraemon to give him another chance. However, things didn't go exactly as planned when his friends at school or at the streets mock him to see how weird Gian was acting and get kicked by Suneo after learning his attempt to become gentle to his peers. This led him to lose control of his temper and start attacking his friends again. Although he bullies the other children (mostly Nobita), he is terrified of his mother, who runs the local grocery store, a fact Nobita and Doraemon sometimes use in their favor. He founded his own baseball team named after himself. Although Nobita is often blamed for the losses against the baseball team's rival, the "Tyranos," Gian and Suneo still force Nobita to play because they do not have enough players.
У Джайана есть горячо любимая младшая сестра Джайко.
В китайском переводе его прозвище изменено на 胖虎 [Панху] — буквально «Толстый Тигр».