A delinquent-looking Angel. Due to the power of Zed the Hero, he's revived after the events of December 32, turning him immortal until his life force is returned to him. During the festival event at Ogami's school, he is faced by Toki on an obstacle race where he's provoked by Toki in order to discover his weak point. He along Cat Boy offer a revenge service at their customers behest by murdering their target of hatred by at the price of the customers lives. He once more encounters Toki on his child form, and the two battle with Yankee being overwhelmed by Toki's magnetized bullets. He reveals to Toki that Nenene was never her sibling and was just a pawn used by Eden in order to balance Toki's strong magnetism powers by having the brothers exchange one of their eyes. Seemingly overwhelmed Toki reveals that he knew the truth ever since he fought his Greed. Passing the life force of Cool Yankee that he received from Zed, Toki manages to kill Yankee by using his Rail Cannon, piercing him with several coils.