A 21-year-old Exorcist, Millenear was orphaned at an early age and placed in the care of her uncle and aunt. However, her relatives were abusive to her and one day, during a particularly heated exchange, Millenear killed them with her spiritual rage. Priest Williams took her in and taught her how to focus her powers to help people. She would become one of the best exorcists employed by the Vatican until she disobeyed the head Bishop of the Vatican to save a possessed girl using her dark magic abilities. She would lose her standing as a priest and left the service. She would partner with Sang-Ho Do in his journey's until meeting Deshwitat. Though Deshwitat is often critical of her, she stubbornly continues on in an effort to not only help him on his quest to defeat Kalutika, but to also prove herself worthy in his eyes.She was captured by Mr. Grey during an assassination attempt on Deshwitat and would be turned into a vampire. Curiously enough, Millenear retains independent thought, a feature not seen by humans turned into vampires, who instead are controlled by the vampire that created them. Millenear has subsequently been entered in the Lord of the Vampire's tournament and is in the same bracket as Deshwitat. She has instructed him not to die until they can face each other and has revealed to him that she is in love with him. During the battle between Deshwitat and her, Millenear admits to Deshwitat that she is in love with him. He seemingly scorns her and promises to give her a quick death. Millenear uses this to her advantage by wearing him out. When it seems that Deshwitat is too tired to fight, Millenear creates a crucifix and says that she will not only kill him, but herself too so that they could be in death together, but they both survive the kamikaze attack. Millenear again tries to kill the both of them, but Deshwitat stops her and embraces her, telling her that in another time, he would have loved her, and that he had failed to protect her(Millenear) just as he failed to protect Lilith. He tells her he knows she's telling the truth about Lilith still being alive, that he doesn't that she's the Lilith he knew anymore, but that he can't move on till she at peace, out of Kal's control. He says he can't promise anything, but they might be able to have a relationship afterward. He then kills her and promises to bring her back to life as a human once he has completed his mission in defeating Kalutika. -Wikipedia